Techinical info section (Correct from V1.7)

Maximum number of buildings in any game: 250
Maximum number of people in any game: 1400

This section contains detail on various aspects of the game FOUNDATION.

Reproduction: Reproduction occurs in any building that contains
Maidens and `Male Units'. The ratio of female births against male births
depends on the number of females (Maidens) in storage.

For example:

 1 female  left:  1:0 female/male ratio
 2 females left:  1:1 female/male ratio
 3 females left:  1:2 female/male ratio
 20 females left: 1:19 female/male ratio

The birthrate is twice as high in the peasant huts compared to the HQ.
The birthrate is higher if there are more males in a building (up to about 10).
Maidens can give birth at any age.
Maidens will only give birth if both their morale and energy is above 40%.
After a birth, the father and mother of the child will loose 10% energy and
gain 10% morale and the new born will take the fathers surname.
The new born will have the same energy/morale levels as the mother at the
time of birth.

The fact that both mother and father loose 10% energy for each new born means
approx 1 unit of food is needed to recover that energy loss. This means a
population growth of 50 will require 50 items of food to keep ballance and
general food usage will rise by approx 15 items of food per year.

Life Span: If kept healthy, people live to around 60-75 years. If
they are unhealthy, they will probably not live to 60 years. And if morale
is low, it is likely that they will start committing suicide. Health problems
are more serious above the age of 50.

Food: Food increases the amount of energy a person has. Each person eats the
same amount of food, and looses about 5% energy each year. Once the energy level of a
person drops below 80%, they will look for food to eat. The choice of food is
random, and is made from the menu of a particular building. If the chosen food is
not there, the person will go without food for another year and morale will suffer.
This means that a building with only half the food items available will force the
occupeants to go without food quite often. So it is best to try and keep all food
items in stock in a building, although it is not neccesary to provide all food items
all of the time.

The power of Food: Most types of food will give a person 20% of a extra
energy. Eating food will also raise morale by 5%. In some buildings the power of
food is different:-

  Hospital = 40% energy, 10% morale
  Tavern   = 15% energy, 25% morale
  Church   = 20% energy, 20% morale

If a person drinks Wine you can add an extra 10% to the morale figures above and
subtract 10% from the energy figures above so for example drinking Wine in the
Church will give a person 10% energy and 30% morale. Drinking Wine in a regular
building eg, Headquarters will give a person 10% Health and 15% morale.

Travelling Speeds:

Peasants/Maidens/Wizards generaly walk at speed 2
Guards and Knights walk at speed 3
Black Knights walk at speed 4

The percentage of energy and morale will affect these speeds but as an
example, the Black Knight will walk twice as fast as a Peasant.

Relative strengths: All people in Foundation have 'Attack Powers' and
'Shield Powers'. If you divide the Attack Power of the 'attacker' by the
Shield Power of the 'victim' you can work out approximate damage levels. Here
is a chart showing the Attack and Shield powers.

               Attack ¦ Shield
  Maidens         -   ¦   1
  Scientist       -   ¦   1
  Peasant         4   ¦   1
  Wizard          -   ¦   2
  Guard          10   ¦   2
  Knight         14   ¦   2.5
  Black Knight   18   ¦   3

  (extra attack points are added for extra experience levels of soldiers but
  the values are lowered as energy and morale are lowered.)

  Now for a few examples of typical attacks.

  Peasant attacks Guard;   4  / 2  = 2  hit points.
  Guard attacks Peasant;   10 / 1  = 10 hit points.
  Knight attacks Peasant;  14 / 1  = 14 hit points.

  The above figures would 'even out' a little when morale and energy levels
  are brought into the calculation but generaly a Peasant has about 30%
  of the attack power of a Guard and a Black Knight should kill a Peasants
  in less than 5 hits.